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By 2025, a "quarter hour" home-based elderly care service circle will be basically establi

   Release date: 2022-12-30     Hits: 33    Comment: 0    
Note:   It was learned from the press conference on the development of hainan pension service held by the Provincial Civil A
   It was learned from the press conference on the development of hainan pension service held by the Provincial Civil Affairs Department that,in order to actively respond to the development situation of aging in our province,the next step of the provincial Civil Affairs Department will work hard in building a solid foundation of home pension service,improving the community pension service network,comprehensive supervision of pension service institutions and other aspects.Reporter liu
  In our province,105 day care centers have been put into operation
  Xu Huan,deputy director of the provincial Civil affairs Department,introduced that our province entered the aging society in 2001.According to the bulletin of the seventh National Population Census,by the end of 2020,the population aged 60 and above in Our province was 1.47 million,accounting for 14.65%of the total population in our province,among which the population aged 65 and above was 1.05 million.Up to now,142 nursing homes with 15,985 beds are in operation in the province.Among them,113 are public pension institutions with 8,178 beds;There are 29 private pension institutions with 7,807 beds.The province has built and put into use 105 day care centers.
  It is reported that since this year,our province has won a total of central and provincial lottery public welfare fund 43.57 million yuan into the elderly service facilities construction;Promote the formation of 28 regional elderly care service centers in the province.
  Our province pension service"14-five-year plan"is being prepared
  Xu Huanzhong said that in order to actively respond to the aging development situation in hainan province,the"14th five-year Plan"for the elderly service industry(hereinafter referred to as the"plan")is being prepared.
  According to the plan,by the end of 2022,each city,county(district)will have at least one county-level supporting service facility(nursing home)and one regional elderly care service center focusing on professional care for disabled and partially disabled people.By the end of 2025,there will be 32 beds for every 1,000 elderly people in the province,15,000 nursing staff will be trained in the province,60 percent of the elderly service institutions with comprehensive functions will be established in towns and townships(subdistricts),and the proportion of nursing beds in these institutions will be no less than 60 percent.
  Xia Yong,deputy director of the provincial Department of Civil affairs old-age service,said that during the"14th five-year plan",our province will focus on the following aspects of work.
  We will lay a solid foundation for home-based elderly care services.Hainan Province will issue guidelines on Home-based Community Elderly Care Services to guide cities and counties to establish norms and standards related to community and home-based elderly care services,management and technology.We will speed up efforts to renovate homes for elderly people with special difficulties,and gradually extend the renovations to other cities and counties on the basis of a pilot project to renovate 800 households in Haikou.We will guide elderly care institutions to give full play to the radiating role of their services and technologies,participate in home care services,and effectively open up the"last mile"of home care services.
  We will improve the network of community elderly care services.The province will establish embedded pension service institutions or day care centers at the community level to provide the elderly with life care,assisted meals and mobility,emergency rescue,spiritual comfort and other services to further improve the elderly service security capacity.By 2025,our province community"15 minutes"home care service circle will be basically established.
  Comprehensive supervision of elderly care service institutions.Since this year my province did not register,did not put on record,the masses complain more pension institutions as a key supervision object.In the process of supervision,civil affairs departments will inform relevant departments to investigate and deal with safety risks found in construction,fire fighting,food hygiene,medical services and special equipment.If the circumstances are serious,it will inform the registration and administration authority,which will impose administrative punishment or even revoke the registration certificate according to law.
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