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Elderly Care Information | 23 measures in four areas to promote the healthy development of elderly c

   Release date: 2023-04-04     Hits: 53    Comment: 0    
Note: Focusing on the pioneering environmental protection of the independent research and development and manufacturing of environmental monitoring equipment, ten years of hard work, the position of scientific and technological innovation and the environmental
1. Improve the policy system for the elderly and the young to be educated
   (1) Strengthen scientific planning and layout at different levels. According to the population distribution and structural changes of the "one old and one small", scientifically plan the "14th Five-Year" old-age care service system to promote the improvement and expansion of service capacity and the balanced distribution of regions. The provincial people's government shall incorporate nursing care for the elderly into the national economic and social development plan for overall promotion, and formulate a special plan or implementation plan for nursing care for the elderly during the "14th Five-Year Plan". Establish a normalized supervision mechanism, supervise the preparation and implementation of special plans or implementation plans, and ensure that new residential communities and supporting elderly care service facilities are planned, constructed, checked and delivered simultaneously.
   (2) Coordinate and promote the development of urban and rural elderly care and nursing care. Strengthen the government's basic function of guaranteeing the bottom line, and improve the basic old-age service system. Optimize the layout of rural elderly care facilities, integrate service resources in the region, carry out socialized management and operation, and continuously expand the service capacity and radiation scope of township nursing homes. Improve the catering service system for the elderly and strengthen the construction of tables for the elderly in rural areas. Explore the establishment of training venues in poverty alleviation areas and urban migrant population clusters, relying on grassroots forces to provide services such as concentrated childcare, parenting guidance, and nursing training, and strengthen early development interventions in infants and young children's physical and mental health, social interaction, and cognitive level.
   (3) Actively support the development of inclusive services. Vigorously develop affordable, convenient and accessible inclusive elderly care services. Guide various entities to provide inclusive services, support the development of non-profit organizations, and comprehensively use supporting policies such as planning, land, housing, finance, investment, financing, and talent to expand service supply, improve service quality, and enhance sustainable development capabilities. Optimize the business environment for the elderly care and nursery, promote the establishment of a factor market system, realize factor price market determination, flow autonomously and orderly, efficient and fair allocation, and promote fair competition.
   (4) Strengthen land security and stock resource utilization. In the annual construction land supply plan, the demand for land for old-age care and nursery shall be guaranteed and arranged in a reasonable location based on the actual situation. Adjust and optimize and appropriately relax land and planning requirements, and support various entities to use the stock of low-efficiency land and commercial service land to carry out old-age care services. On the premise of not violating the national mandatory standards and regulations, all localities can formulate construction standards, guidelines and implementation methods for the transformation of stock houses and facilities into nursing care facilities for the elderly in light of actual conditions. Establish and improve the "one matter, one discussion" mechanism, and regularly centrally deal with issues such as the formalities for the renovation of stock houses and facilities, and the avoidance of neighbors and residents. In the construction of urban residential communities to make up for shortcomings and the transformation of old communities in cities and towns, the construction of old-age care service facilities is coordinated and local governments are encouraged to explore the transfer of state-owned enterprise houses and facilities in old communities to the government for centralized transformation and utilization in an appropriate manner. Support the creation of space in community comprehensive service facilities for "one old and one small" service, and explore allowing vacant public rental houses to be provided to social forces for free for them to carry out meals and mobility, day care, rehabilitation care, and senior education for the elderly in the community And other services. Support the use of various types of houses and facilities for the development of nursing care for the elderly, and encourage the appropriate relaxation of the maximum lease term. If a non-independent site transforms and constructs a nursery school in accordance with relevant safety standards and passes the inspection, there is no need to change the nature of the land and the house.
   (5) Promote the implementation of fiscal and taxation support policies. All localities should establish a work coordination mechanism, strengthen the exchange and sharing of departmental information, and ensure that the preferential tax policies are comprehensive and timely to benefit market players. Simultaneously consider the construction of public service facilities and post-operation guarantees, and strengthen the planning and management of project expenditures. Improve the operating subsidy and incentive mechanism, and guide the elderly care service institutions to give priority to receiving the disabled and demented, the elderly, and the elderly from special families with family planning in financial difficulties. Social security subsidies shall be provided to pension and nursery institutions that absorb qualified workers in accordance with regulations.
  (6) Improve the ability to supply talents. Strengthen the professional construction of geriatrics, geriatric care, social work, infant development and health management, infant care, etc., optimize professional settings in combination with industry development dynamics, improve teaching standards, and increase training efforts. In accordance with the national vocational skill standards and industry enterprise evaluation norms, strengthen pre-job training, job skill improvement training, job transfer training and entrepreneurship training for old-age care workers. Intensify the training of relevant skills in poverty alleviated areas, and promote the effective connection between the demand for elderly care services in big cities and the labor supply in poverty alleviated areas. Deepen school-enterprise cooperation, cultivate enterprises that integrate production and education, support the construction of training bases, and implement the "vocational training package" and "integration of engineering and learning" training models for elderly care and nursing.
   2. Expand multi-party participation and service supply in various ways
   (7) Enhance family care ability. Support high-quality institutions and industry associations to develop public welfare courses, make use of Internet platforms and other free and open programs, rely on neighborhood committees, village committees and other grassroots forces to provide guidance services for elderly and childcare families, and help family members improve their care ability. Establish a normalized guidance and supervision mechanism, strengthen policy propaganda and guidance, strengthen the main responsibility of the family for supporting the elderly and guarding infants and young children, and implement the guardian's responsibility for the guardian of the elderly and abandoned children.
   (8) Optimize home and community services. Develop a centralized management and operation community elderly care and childcare service network, support the construction of community service facilities with comprehensive functions, and guide specialized institutions to enter the community and family. Establish a registration and filing system for family childcare centers, study and promulgate management methods for family childcare centers, clarify system specifications such as registration management, personnel qualifications, service scale, supervision and management, and encourage mutual assistance services.
   (9) Improve the service level of public institutions. Strengthen the construction of public and public nutrition institutions for the elderly, adhere to the public welfare attribute, and effectively meet the needs of concentrated support for the extremely poor. Establish a comprehensive assessment system for occupancy, appropriately expand service targets based on service capabilities, and focus on providing care services for the elderly who are in financial difficulties, the disabled, the elderly, and those from special families with family planning. Improve the public construction and private operation mechanism, break the price-based screening criteria, integrate quality indicators such as business reputation, service level, and sustainability, introduce early intervention of old-age care operators, participate in project construction throughout the process, and explore chain operations.
   (10) Promote the transformation of training and recuperation resources to develop elderly care services. In accordance with the principle of “reform as much as possible, and transfer if possible”, the transformation and development of elderly care services shall be the main direction of the reform of training and recuperation institutions affiliated to party and government agencies and state-owned enterprises and institutions. All localities should increase policy support and coordination and advancement, focus on solving the difficulties of asset transfer, change of land use, house construction, planning connection, etc., to ensure that the transfer of elderly care service projects are basically put into operation by the end of 2022. Encourage the central and eastern regions, which are rich in training and recuperation resources and have a greater need for elderly care, to make breakthroughs and focus on advancement.
   (11) Broaden the supply channels of inclusive services. Implement a special action for inclusive elderly care and nursery, give play to the leading role of investment in the central budget, use investment for mechanism, guide local governments to formulate supportive "policy packages", drive enterprises to provide inclusive "service packages", and build a batch of inclusive services Elderly care service agencies and nursery service agencies. Encourage qualified employers to provide childcare services for their employees in the workplace, either individually or jointly with related units. Support large-scale parks in the construction of childcare facilities for employees in the service area.
   (12) Guide financial institutions to improve service quality and efficiency. Encourage the government to invest in asset industry investment funds and market-oriented venture capital funds, private equity funds, etc., in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law, to increase investment in the field of pension care. Innovative credit support methods, under the premise of compliance with laws and regulations, controllable risks, and sustainable business, promote the pledged loans of accounts receivable, explore the pledged loans of charging rights, and implement the due diligence exemption policy for credit officers. Encourage financial institutions to reasonably determine the loan period, and flexibly provide a variety of loan products and services such as revolving loans, annual review loans, and repayment of principal and interest in installments. Expand the implementation of special corporate bonds for the pension industry and pension project income bonds, support the rational and flexible setting of bond maturities, options and methods of repayment of principal and interest, and encourage the issuance of renewable bonds. Guide insurance and other financial institutions to explore and develop targeted financial products, and provide credit enhancement support to the old-age care industry. Support insurance institutions in the development of related liability insurance and pension and childcare institutions to operate related insurance.
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