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Enjoy elderly care services without leaving home

   Release date: 2023-03-09     Hits: 36    Comment: 0    
Note:   The second symposium on the third party governance of Industrial Park  Source:Qingshan Industry Review  Author:e
Currently, community care has become a new choice for many elderly people. Guided by the government, market-led, and demand-driven, community elderly care is becoming an important part of my country's extensive coverage, high-quality, and sustainable elderly care service system.
Many advantages
There are more high-quality elderly care services than the traditional home-based elderly care, and it has the advantage of being at home compared to institutional elderly care.
"I didn't dare to think that I can enjoy such a good elderly care service at home." said Pan Jihong, a 69-year-old resident of Jinsong North District, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Pan Jihong's wife has limited mobility and suffers from various senile diseases, and needs long-term medication.
"I have to take him to three different hospitals every month. There are 4 kinds of medicine to take. Every month we have to plan which hospital to go to and what time to leave in the morning. It is really troublesome." Pan Jihong said. Every time she and her wife go to the hospital, they often go to the hospital for a whole day, queuing, registering, seeing a doctor, paying fees, and taking medicine. Her lumbar spine is not good. Every time she comes back from the hospital, people are exhausted.
At the end of last year, when she was taking care of her wife at home, she accidentally injured her waist and needed to rest in bed. What should I do if I go to the hospital to prescribe medicine for my wife? Pan Jihong was suddenly worried.
"When in a dilemma, the property takes the initiative to come to the door." Pan Jihong said. In February of this year, Jinsongbei Community and Beijing Vision Hejia Life Technology Group jointly established a "property + elderly care" service profile. When the community "service consul for the elderly" Yan Lei came to collect basic information on elderly residents, he learned about Pan Jihong's specific difficulties.
In response to Pan Jihong’s situation, the community property docked with an Internet hospital with medical insurance qualifications, and helped her handle online prescription renewal and home delivery services. Now her wife’s 4 kinds of drugs can be solved through the Internet on behalf of this method. Pan Jihong's problem of prescribing medicine was solved at once.
The outline of the "14th Five-Year Plan" proposes to vigorously develop inclusive elderly care services, support families to undertake elderly care functions, and build an elderly care service system that is coordinated with home-based community institutions and combines medical care, health, and health care. Guided by the government, market-led, and demand-driven, community elderly care is becoming an important part of my country's extensive coverage, high-quality, and sustainable elderly care service system.
According to the relevant person in charge of Beijing Vision Hejia Life Technology Group, community care refers to the family-centered, community-based support, with the main contents of day care, life care, housekeeping services and spiritual comfort for the elderly, door-to-door services and community Day care is the main form, and a home-based care service system that introduces professional service methods from senior care institutions.
Different from other old-age care methods, the feature of community old-age care is that the elderly live in their own homes. While being taken care of by their family members, relevant service agencies and personnel in the community provide home-based services or care for the elderly. Compared with the traditional home-based care, community care has more high-quality care services; and compared to institutional care, community care has the advantage of being at home.
Experts say that home care and nursing home care are the two main types of elderly care in my country. At present, with the increasing number of "Four Two One" (four elderly people, one couple, one child) families, young couples generally bear the dual pressure of work and life, and face various practical problems in providing for the elderly of both parties. In practice, nursing homes have alleviated some of the difficulties in providing for the elderly, but it is still difficult to meet the needs of diversified and individualized elderly care. In this context, community pension has become another active exploration to solve the problem of pension.
Yan Lei told reporters that Jinsongbei Community has conducted a statistical survey of the daily demands of the elderly in the entire community through the establishment of a "property + pension" service file. Now, from online registration to buying medicine, from online car-hailing to online shopping, as long as it is the service needed by the elderly in the community, Yan Lei will help them complete a call, so that they can enjoy high-quality elderly care services without leaving home. .
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